Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring "Far From" Break

Wow. Seriously, what a crazy week. My theoretical calendar and my reality calendar completely conflicted this week, cognitive dissonance via schedule.
So, Sunday night we are taking a little bit of a too leisure drive to Kansas and don't actually show up until almost one in the morning.
I didn't get too much sleep hearing Eden cough a chunky cough and doctoring a sore throat myself, morning comes quickly. So, I go through my presentation for the Bethel College Convocation and realize I am fading fast, but it is Eden's actual birthday and I dare not disappoint, so I suck it up. By eleven o'clock I am in front of the Bethel College student body and faculty giving a lecture on "What to do with a broken heart?" while hearing sweet Eden in the back row with her rough cough that is hanging on way too long. At this point, I am wearing my professional hat, but lugging a mother's heavy heart.
In hopes of making her day special Brian and I decided to drive a few miles over to the Cosmosphere, great experience! We catch an IMAX, see the stars, learn the history of the rocket...all exhausting, but awesome.
By Tuesday, I am increasingly worried about her cough and have decided that when we get home we are really going to the doctor. Oh, and I have a child-like runny nose myself, so the two of us are going through a box of tissues in less than an hour.
But, staying true to the schedule because it is "Spring Break", we have a lovely dinner with some new friends in Newton. I notice that Eden isn't eating much and seems really uncomfortable, truth be told, I am not so comfortable myself having acquired enough congestion for a full classroom of children.
So, that night, we go to bed having still achieved keeping our tight schedule of activities...until the dreaded, "Mom, I think I'm gonna throw uuuuuuuu..."
If you are a mom, I don't have to finish this, you know what happened next.
Okay, it is two a.m. and I am holding a hot child complaining of a painful neck and throwing up in a town I don't know very well. Scary moment.
Brian goes to a store and buys a thermometer, for us to have another scary moment...104...seriously.
We all pile in the car, trash can by our side and head to the local ER where our fears are realized, Eden is dehydrated and needs an IV because she is fighting pneumonia. Poor girl. Obviously, our schedule dramatically changes. Sleep schedules are all truly out the window, a new TV schedule becomes apparent and the main goal is getting antibiotic to stay down, oh, and fluids.
Do you know how hard it is to get an eight year old to drink water these days?
I had no idea until now, but apparently when they turn eight water is out.
Well, now it is Friday and I am happily blogging about this instead of living it. Spring Break has essentially come and gone and at least four days of it are a complete fog. I have decided not to post a picture with this blog because I personally do not think that showing our sick faces would be helpful...I am sure you can picture us...dark circles, heaving chests, watery eyes...
I am now thankful we didn't try to plan a ski trip, what a waste that would have been this year!

1 comment:

Meagan Dennison said...

crazy because we had to take Hudson to the ER during Spring break week b/c of 106.8 fever! He also had pneumonia. William ended up getting bronchitis and I had an upper respirtory infection (which took 2 rounds of steroids to get rid of!). Not a fun week in the Dennison house. I feel your pain!!!