Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sympathy to Empathy

Normally, I would have considered myself pretty empathetic until now.
Have you ever had one of those moments that you realized that you don't know how people feel?
I have had that harsh reality over the last three days in the hospital. The first 18 hours consisted of nausea and dehydration to the point of my hands atrophying. The second part of my stay had some veins blown out and sore ribs from the experience. Aside from a lot of prayer, my mind really captured a new truth...that I didn't know what my dads have been through.
About three years ago, I held my dad's hand as he got ill after a long hospital stay believing I understood his nausea. I knew what it was like to have a virus, but I didn't know what it was like to repeatedly throw up with no relief, that is what he knew. I also witnessed this same scenario with my other dad (TeePa) watching him receive all the anti-nausea meds in his IV, just like me, with absolutely no relief. Both of these men know cancer. I am thankful that I do not.
I do, however, know firsthand what a true Celiac attack is like now. But more importantly, I now know that empathy is earned by experience and it is humbling.

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