Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Great Stand Off

I have never realized how incredibly stubborn I am until right this minute.
I am absolutely exhausted. Writing a workbook for teachers, hosting out of town guests, scrambling for Eden's upcoming recital, ect. Yet, I sat here insisting on typing away on my computer because I have asked my hubby to come get me when he is done on his computer.
Well, it is 11:15 p.m. and no trace of him. He's working downstairs and I am upstairs.
You would think after fifteen years of marriage that I would be more mature about this stand off, but I am not. No, I am still the stiff-necked, take it on the chin gal he met years ago.
And to think all this time I perceived myself as the great submissive wife. I might need to reconsider.
I may actually just curl up in a ball up here and go to sleep. Oh, wouldn't he feel bad.
No, he wouldn't. I would just have a horrible pain in my neck and break out from not washing my face.
I am waiting..............................still nothing.
I better grab a pillow.

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