Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Happy Birthday!

The beauty of living through losing young, vibrant people in your life is that you appreciate birthdays. Each birthday is a gift.
This week I turned thirty-seven. I love being in my thirties. For me, these are the years that I still have somewhat of a youthful appearance, but am loaded with experience and discernment that I didn't have in my twenties. At thirty-seven I can laugh at myself, forget obvious dates and afford the expensive lattes. What a life!
Even more importantly, I value what is truly valuable - my relationships. They are more precious than all the money in the world and more permanent than fleeting fame. I am a wife, mother, daughter, friend - I am a part of families, girl groups, churches, committees...I am loved.
This year I decided to throw my own birthday party, which I strongly recommend. For those PR people - the saying, "perception is reality" really rang true this year. I declared it an important event and would you believe so did everyone else? Crazy how that works.
So, why blog about it?
I want the same for you. Happy Birthday to you. Praise God that you are alive and given the opportunity to live this moment - because you aren't guaranteed another birthday. This may be your last one. Don't let it quietly slip by in the night. Don't go a wallflower - be the life of your own party. People will celebrate with you if you are bold enough to declare your own moment!

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