Saturday, December 4, 2010

Good Advice

I am quickly learning the sustaining impact of good advice.  It transcends time and after a period it doesn't even matter who the dispenser of the advice is, it just has to be truly good advice.
A piece of advice that has impacted my life and shaped a lot of my personality came from my mom.
I cannot even remember the first time it was stated, but it became a mantra in our home and more importantly a mantra in my own head.  Here it is,
"Don't compare your worst with other people's best."
Can you imagine how helpful that was in high school, those years you are using cover up for zits like crazy?  Yep, it was most helpful.
But the help lasted much longer than through growing pains, the advice shaped a mindset of personal acceptance.  I have been blessed with believing that everyone has a worst and a best and to even attempt to compare those is just foolish.  How can you know which you are comparing?
So, I don't and I haven't spent too much time concerned about comparing which has led to a lot of undeserved self-confidence.  The funny here is that I walked away with that advice even taking it a step further to assume that I have a best that maybe I haven't even seen yet.  Yes, I actually walked away with hope of a better me.

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