Monday, December 28, 2009

Let it Snow, Let it Snow...Driving Range Slopes

Snow has fallen and the little one begs to build snowmen and sled. Completely natural, complete expected.
What is not natural is the driving range at the golf course becoming the new slopes and the pub being exchanged for a cooler atop the slopes with beer and sparkly water.
Yes, a crew brought in a big, blue cooler filled with drinks and as they sat in their obvious Vail clothes they drank, huffed and puffed pulling their sleds, and drank some more.
Not me, I didn't get to wear any obvious ski clothes from a previous trip...I procrastinated until the last minute before we left so I was pulling any water resistant clothing I could find from Brian's side of the closet. Yes, this 115 pounder was wearing her husband's large, green insulated pants, a blue XL coat, a cream scarf found on the floor no less and an old, probably free stocking cap. Oh, and I can't forget that I didn't even wear my hiking, crazy here, wore her running shoes. I truly felt like I could be called, "Cousin Eddie's wife!"
To make matters worse, I didn't even purchase a sled. I grabbed a laundry basket and a trash can lid.
The good news is this...No matter how WT I looked and felt, I watched on as the two loves of my life had a complete blast going down the steepest of slopes you will find here in Oklahoma. Laughter and screams and a sweet family who loaned us sleds and more kids for Eden to play with, barreled down the range and into the thick, ever so lovely...snow.
It was an irreplaceable moment for the archives of a memory of a childhood for dear, sweet Eden and a reminder for mom to plan ahead just a tad more.

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