I had the privilege of having breakfast with my Aunt Laura and her beautiful, four children from Georgia. All of them have such unique personalities, like thumb prints. Watching the compassion and care they have for each other reminded me of the faith, hope and love that we encounter and get used to until we see it demonstrated under extreme conditions and it is obvious.
Both boys in this picture are suffering from Muscular Dystrophy and unfortunately, Chris, the oldest is declining pretty rapidly...why? Age. As children are thrilled to see a birthday drawing near, he understands the ramifications of the actual event. Less time.
As a mom, you would think that facing such mortality this breakfast would have been a real downer, but oh so not true. It was a satisfying experience and a reminder.
Faith, hope and love...the greatest of these being love.
None of us are guaranteed time, but we are all guaranteed love.
Thank you for your love.
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