Little fat fingers, puppy dog breath, and an occasional random slap or hit are just a few of the sweet reminders that I am "Aunt Mo" to one of the sweetest boys on earth!
This weekend my sister brought her son, Cole, up for the weekend. Cole is a toddler with a lot of spunk and personality which he comes by honestly. Apparently, in our family it is genetic.
So, this weekend I was reminded of the beautiful moments you have with toddlers.
Two fingers crawling up his arm saying, "Mr. Tickles in coming to get you" made him laugh so hard he choked on his spit.
Intense food focus as he paced back and forth at the pool waiting on his french fries..."mine, mine."
And of course, my favorite...rocking a toddler to sleep. As we rocked back and forth watching Elmo drinking some milk, he would turn and snuggle in brief intervals almost as if to submit to his heavy eyes until finally his little, tired voice said, "Aun Mo..you smell pretty..." and his eyes shut for the final time.
What a gift, to be able to be "Aunt Mo."
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