Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Why ask why???

First of all, thanks friends who have emailed me concerned that I was having my own mid-life crisis.  I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the concern and the openness in our relationships.  That is valuable and treasured.
My voice of calling out trends or experiences has always come from an awareness of those around me and those I have heard about.  I cannot remember a time that I was not aware of the emotional state of the people around me.  I attribute that to a childhood riddled with a diversity of adults and children.  I was not raised in a box, nor was I sheltered from adult struggles, so naturally I still interpret behavior from a child's view of questioning - not uncommon for me to think, "why?" 
Today, I am questioning why I never gave running a fighting chance until now?  Seriously, I ran out the backdoor the other morning because I was experiencing a kind of stress I wasn't accustomed to in my thirties - so I just put on my hubby's mp3 player and jetted down the golf course.  It was fabulous.  I didn't even suck on my inhaler.
Now, I am running every other day and loving it.  I have never experienced such a feeling of relief.  It feels like when you have someone remove a big to-do on your list - you know - relief. 
Oh, and the shoes, buy good shoes if you are going to run.  It is the difference between sleeping on someone's couch verses having a luxury mattress.  I am not joking.
So, why now?  I have no idea.  On this one I will probably need to just look forward and not try and examine my apathetic past....
Why ask why?
Because that's what people like me do.  We ask, we write, we verbalize and then we clearly move on...


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