Friday, April 16, 2010

Personal Everest, the Climb

We all have one. We all have a dream that we are dreaming. We all have a moment that we would love to experience from the mountain top.
A friend of mine, very talented friend of mine, has just moved to Nashville to climb his personal Everest. I actually stole this phrase from him. He is a writer, like me, so he has a lot of meaning in just a few words. I love the fact that we are exactly the same age, born the same day, and are both creative and expressive.
His climb is a personal journey that he has had since he was a it a living, a career.
My climb has been about being the "voice of children of divorce," giving them a say, a real voice to tell their stories. It has been a hard climb at times, but I must confess I spent ten years before the climb just standing at the base of the mountain begging myself to take the first step. I am still not completely sure what held me back from taking the first step, but I can tell you what shoved me over the rail and running up the side...DEATH, regret.
I stood helpless, holding the dying hand of one of the most talented musicians I have ever known telling me about his personal regret. The Everest he didn't climb because he thought he would have more time.
Stop standing at the base of the mountain. Climb.

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