Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Make new friends and keep the old ones, one is silver and the other gold...
Words from a song I used to sing to Eden when she was a toddler.
Wonder which ones are silver and which ones are gold?  The old ones gold maybe and the new ones silver cause the relationship is all shiny and usually reflects your own image.  Who knows?
The important thing is that we need both in our lives.  We need those people who knew us when to remind of us of where we've been and those who know us now to enjoy the present.  By the way, you can be both, the silver and the gold.  Those friends should be "diamonds" because they take a long time to make, but once they've been created it is hard to break them.
I am blessed to have a bunch of diamonds in my life.  Those diamonds keep me grounded and centered, but also bring great joy to my life.  I am also thankful for the diamonds allowing me into their lives sharing their adventures as they go through life.  Some diamonds have coffee with me and share their beautiful children to be a part of the moment and conversation, beautiful random hugs.  Other diamonds share their success and allow me to celebrate with them, party diamond - you know who you are.  And yet other diamonds share their medical training, prayers and compassion.  I have a lot of diamonds.  I could go on and on, but the lesson is not in sharing every single diamond.  The lesson is in recognizing that we are all surrounded by diamonds.  People we should care for and cherish, true treasures.  People are more important than things, connections with others is soul food.  Just as we don't forget to eat, don't forget to love on those relationships that are part of your world - part of your heart.

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