Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Create a Fan Club

I've often wondered if Eden really pays attention to me.  I throw out suggestions, commands, hugs...all just randomly thrown out there for the taking,  but is it really taken?
Some days the muck and the mire of raising kids becomes a season of survival.  Does her dance bag have all the dance shoes in it?  Did I pay for her yearbook?  Is her uniform clean?  What time is practice? 
I drop her somewhere, usually with my hair in a ponytail, praying I did "my part" before she gets out of the car.
But sometimes, ray of sunshine comes beaming, the muck and the mire are so yesterday...because sometimes you have one of those moments that makes it all beautiful - they imitate something you love about yourself and adopt it all their own.  So magical - really.
I've always loved my transparency with my love for others.  I write it, text it, email it, practically tattoo it on my face...if I love you, you know it. 
And to know that I taught that to a seven year old - leaving a note of affection to her mommy....I've created my own fan club!

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