Monday, June 21, 2010

Thank you, Lord, for my body

If you woke up this morning with your health...praise God because not everyone woke up with that gift.

I just enjoyed a trip to Jackson Hole.  I enjoyed that trip as a healthy person able to run, hike and move my body, but while I was there my cousin was put in the hospital struggling to survive.  He has lived with MD for most of his life and has reached the dreaded age of nineteen. 

Following his carebridge site on-line I thought about how much we all take for granted our health and the ability to move freely.  We are so selfish in our thoughts.  Selfish in that we are always pondering what we don't have until we lose something we took for granted.

Let's not do that anymore.  Let's appreciate our bodies no matter the size or color.  Let's live assuming that our bodies are a gift for today, not for always.

If you hate exercise or dread being active, but know it is what is best for this...move your body in honor of all of the children who are not able to move theirs.  Hike, run, walk, play...just move and don't take for granted the gift of that movement.  Many children across the nation and around the world would consider you incredibly rich for having that option. 

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