Monday, March 29, 2010

The Road Less Traveled

Sure, we've all heard the Robert Frost quote, but have we ever really tried to live it?
I believe the road less traveled is a road without pavement. A road that has a traveler listening. Listening to the sounds of their surroundings.
Have you ever heard a small voice within you that says, "I need to call _________."
Or "I've always wanted to ____________."
Fill in the've heard it.
We know when we are needed, we know when we could do something worth our time. We also know that we have people in our lives that may not be around forever. Truth be told, we may be that person.
So, get off the pavement...the road that goes fast and furious and keeps you distracted from the real journey. Join us on the windy, unpredictable trail. The trail of intense failure and intense triumph. At times it can appear manic, but it has depth, it holds real. You can't zoom along too quickly because you'll get lost, but you'll perceive things you've only imagined and you'll actually enjoy small moments of natural, normal.
Dear friends, the ones I have had lunch with or coffee with and talked about dreams that have gone unexplored....this is for you.
Now is your chance to change your mind and take a risk. I believe in you.
You are absent of the good or bad opinion of others, you are valuable without any identity....just you. Your talent, given at the foundation of time, belongs to you and you alone. LISTEN.

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