Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Lately I have realized that we are all demanding to be "important."
I have fallen victim several times to wanting my job, my activities, my life to be deemed incredibly important.  Sometimes I get so caught up in it that I become depressed when it doesn't yield's a life, not a math problem.
So, I started an experiment.  I have taken several days to completely disregard what I have valued and start listening to what other people value and try to boost up their importance.
Wow.  I am surrounded by such important people with lives they are living and growing and helping others.  Being a part of that and not a spectator because I am competing for importance has been so rewarding.  Depression cannot be fed if you are involved in the lives of others, it is only truly fed by your own desire to stay important. 
Being important is not finishing a conversation with, "I've talked enough about me, let's talk about you, what do you think of me?"

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