As the new year dawned and my hopes and aspirations began to be written down in graphs, charts and other nonsensical pages, I had the privilege of being torn away from rituals this year to gain perspective from Cosmo.
The beautiful, gray hairs on his face reflect his duration on earth, but he doesn't know the end is drawing near. He is only cognizant of this moment and his desires at this moment, which appeared to be a lot of petting and traveling from room to room as we did, very extroverted on his part.
I do not know my expiration date either, yet I plan for the full year, usually off of my previous mistakes from last year and attempt to plan harder and better. This is a very arrogant activity on my part. Arrogant in the fact that I assume I will have the longevity. I assume no variables and I usually have goals that actually rob me of the joy of present moments.
Like Cosmo, I too, am extroverted and would love to travel from room to room with the members of my family, talking less and listening more.
I have spent way too long believing that I must change my world continually through goal setting and more efficient time management. Before I know it I may be on all fours. And what if, like Cosmo, I stumble across a mirror and see gray hairs on my head, would I freak out and say that I didn't do enough? Or would I calmly pass by in peace?
So, this year, I am going to follow the ways of Cosmo by following the ones I love and entering their world, asking for affection on their terms and not focusing on the million tasks I would like to achieve before my expiration date...because the truth is clear...if I expire soon, I would only want what Cosmo has right now, LOVE..AFFECTION..FAMILY..and most importantly..PEACE.
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