None of us are guaranteed more than we have today, so it is important to value what you have in the moment.
I am thrilled to see my daughter adopting this truth in her own life. She says thank you a lot and talks openly about her blessings.
This past week, she lost a tooth.
She put the tooth under her pillow.
She woke up to find some cash.
She immediately goes to the stationary cabinet and grabs a piece of paper and a pen and writes this note..."Thank you, tooth fairy, I love you."
She hands me the note and goes back to her room.
Aside from laughing at her acknowledgment that I was the one who put the money under her pillow, I felt a strong sense of accomplishment.
Brian and I have taught thankfulness and for that I am noticeably, "thankful."
You have to love a little girl who writes a Thank You note - period! My Mother taught me that if I didn't have time to write a Thank You note then I could write a note to tell them why I couldn't accept their gift. Now that she is gone I am thankful she taught me to communicate my thankfulness to others.
I love that, Sharon. What great advice!
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