How many times have you heard, "he/she has a heart for music?"
A lot.
But how many times have you heard, "he/she has a heart for the musician?"
Well, you've heard it here.
Last week I was reminded of my heart for musicians. I've grown up with them. As a little girl I danced around recording studios, packed up vans with speaker equipment and watched my dad drive away from banks angry because they wouldn't take a check from a musician.
My first love was a musician, my dad.
Who else could write a beautifully composed telegram and have the nerve to send it to a high school for a young lady to feel extra special on Valentine's Day?
My love of creative expression and explaining the moments of life came from him and his friends. Poetically they lived in the present. They taught me the beauty of living your life for the moments, not your 401K.
Watching my little girl dance to the same musician, Mark Bruner, as I danced to as a little girl warmed a place in my heart that has been chilled for awhile. My dad has been gone almost three years and I have spent those years lonesome for the joy of music he once brought to my life.
Whether it was picking up his guitar and creating a song on the spot about my toys or crazy cats or just dancing with me to the music on the stereo....he lived in the music with me.
Mark reminded me that even though I am tone deaf and can't play or sing a lick, I owe it to my daughter to bring her the beauty of the freedom in spending time with a beautiful group of people, musicians. It is her legacy.
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