Monday, August 9, 2010

Peace - Under the Sun

This world is tough.  I don't know about you, but it seems that every time I cross off enough to-do's that I can finally breathe there comes a flood of new ones.  Some days I just want to say, "no thank you" to dealing the difficulties of the land of the living.
But sometimes, just sometimes we find ourselves surprised by a serious guffaw that just negates all of the chaos and brings back a sense of peace.  I am assuming this is the kind of peace Solomon spoke of when he talked about our greatest moments on earth not reflecting our pocketbook or our accomplishments, but instead reflecting our satisfaction with living.
I have found that most of those moments take place with children.  They speak about the elephant in the room, actually point fingers at it and laugh.  They cry when they get hurt - refreshing.  They give out random hugs for no reason.  And most importantly, they don't take themselves seriously, they just enjoy being.
Children are not new "under the sun" and their attributes have most likely been around since the beginning of human conception, so let's all roll up our sleeves and jump in the sandbox and praise God for little reminders of the peace that can be found on earth.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Refreshing blog! Yes, when children are just allowed to be who they are, in the moment we can gain so much inspiration from their spontaneity.
We as adults need to allow the child in us to come out and play more often.
Thanks for the refreshing reminder.
Wendy MacKay