Monday, July 5, 2010

Little Patriots

Patriot: (n.) A person who vigorously supports his country and its way of life

Last night, as the fireworks went off overhead, I realized that I am a grateful patriot living in a land of immense opportunity.  With each loud boom, I thought of the parents, probably my age, making the decision to give their children a better life...our life.  They were so brave.
Regardless of how you feel about the President or the government, you must stop and evaluate the whole of America.  No, we are not a perfect nation, but our imperfections are our choice.
Those who went before us gave us that choice.  Thank them, teach your children about them.
Let's stop preaching to our children all the errors of those who lead this great nation and instead teach them of "the way of life" we've been given.
Patriots can only be bred by patriotic parents and do we really want unpatriotic children growing up and leading this country?
God Bless our Little Patriots!

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