Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Blind Spot

"More and more people are buying bigger and bigger,...and the bigger the vehicle, the bigger the blind spot." - Consumer Reports

I think we are living bigger and bigger lives.  Relationships are at an all-time high.  Facebook, Twitter, cell phones - we can communicate all day long if we want to.  

But what are we saying?  Are we using our voice to edify or lift up each other or are we using our voice to hurt people?  Or, like me, do we speak without realizing we might have a blind spot in our communication?

Think about it.  Think about your emails, think about your blogs, think about what your saying and how it might be interpreted by the reader.  

I know I have a serious blind spot.  I know I speak from a candid, transparent heart.  Most of the time I am describing a journey or an event - typically I describe moments, but seldom have I stopped to think of the inference that might go along with my interpretation.  

"More and more people are talking bigger and bigger,...and the bigger the voice, the bigger the blind spot." -Monica Epperson