The beauty of living through losing young, vibrant people in your life is that you appreciate birthdays. Each birthday is a gift.
This week I turned thirty-seven. I love being in my thirties. For me, these are the years that I still have somewhat of a youthful appearance, but am loaded with experience and discernment that I didn't have in my twenties. At thirty-seven I can laugh at myself, forget obvious dates and afford the expensive lattes. What a life!
Even more importantly, I value what is truly valuable - my relationships. They are more precious than all the money in the world and more permanent than fleeting fame. I am a wife, mother, daughter, friend - I am a part of families, girl groups, churches, committees...I am loved.
This year I decided to throw my own birthday party, which I strongly recommend. For those PR people - the saying, "perception is reality" really rang true this year. I declared it an important event and would you believe so did everyone else? Crazy how that works.
So, why blog about it?
I want the same for you. Happy Birthday to you. Praise God that you are alive and given the opportunity to live this moment - because you aren't guaranteed another birthday. This may be your last one. Don't let it quietly slip by in the night. Don't go a wallflower - be the life of your own party. People will celebrate with you if you are bold enough to declare your own moment!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
This season, for some, is the month of Abib or Nisan - the first month of God's calendar according to Exodus and other testaments in the Bible. It is a time of rebirth, both visually in the world and spiritually in the heart. As buds bloom and the warm air allows us to sit outside and take in all of the beauty that is waking up from such a dead slumber, our minds are also waking up to the idea that someday we will be waking up from a dead slumber to a bloom we cannot even comprehend - our own resurrection.
Lately, I have heard an expression that has caused me to evaluate its meaning. The expression is, "he (Christ) took my place on that cross." I am sure that I have heard this expression a million times and have probably even said it, but this year - I stopped - thought and hurt over ever having said it.
He, Christ, did not take my place. My death on a cross would have simply just been a dead person on a cross. This is not an equal exchange. We are not equal.
Christ, adorned in favor and royalty, power and prestige - did not replace a man. He rescued mankind from never blooming.
Regardless of the songs we sing, our feeble attempt to say thank you, or our horrid cliches throughout the season - know this - He is irreplaceable.
Lately, I have heard an expression that has caused me to evaluate its meaning. The expression is, "he (Christ) took my place on that cross." I am sure that I have heard this expression a million times and have probably even said it, but this year - I stopped - thought and hurt over ever having said it.
He, Christ, did not take my place. My death on a cross would have simply just been a dead person on a cross. This is not an equal exchange. We are not equal.
Christ, adorned in favor and royalty, power and prestige - did not replace a man. He rescued mankind from never blooming.
Regardless of the songs we sing, our feeble attempt to say thank you, or our horrid cliches throughout the season - know this - He is irreplaceable.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Today I had a choice – just like you. I decided not to focus on all the sadness. I decided to take a break from my own expectations and just enjoy the day. I chose to live today moment by moment. I could have disappointed myself and chose differently, but I didn’t and I am so grateful for right now – today.
As I laced up my running shoes, I didn’t focus on the guilt of not being able to get out there more often, no – I focused on being able today. Yay, me. Back on the trail. Back out in the beauty. I ran up on a little, red robin – so gorgeous. I stared at her (not that I know for sure) and thought, “I love the color red.” Oh, and I do. I love the enthusiasm seeing red brings to me. Makes me want to live passionately. ENTHUSIASM for today.
Coffee around the corner with friends from who knows when – the kind that knew you before you even knew you had a dream. Laughs, empathy and great stories. Today – CONNECTION. They know me. I know them.
Lunch with my man. For those of you who have married your first love, do I need to say more? His eyes, his humor, his intellect (which I wish I could keep up with more) keeps me enamored and curious…smart, eye candy. ENJOYING today and the one who lives it side by side with me – ALIVE.
The next part of today is what other days would be a real downer – the TO DO LIST. Oh, no, not today. It did not take me down. I stopped and APPRECIATED that I am healthy and energetic and able to do the list. PRAISE GOD.
Today. Life is fun. Today. I am focused on the fun.
If I asked you to focus on all the brown in the room you are currently sitting in – you would see a lot of it, even if it wasn’t the main color in the room.
Today, focus on the “fun” in your life, even if it isn’t the most dominant color in your room. Focus, and love today.
Happy Today! And it isn’t even over….
Monday, April 4, 2011
humility, man's greatest asset
Lately, I have found myself in circles of conversation that appear to be a verbal display of dominance. It is amazing how many people feel it is necessary to speak their resume or accomplishments, having no idea how transparent their insecurities are to the circle.
I have the privilege of having a walking buddy that has reached many of the world's pedestals, and do you know what she encourages in my life? My motherhood. Her professional experience and resume could compete with any woman in the metroplex, and she knows my ambitious side to create movements and succeed in nonprofit business - yet, in her age and wisdom - humbly, she promotes "motherhood."
Her humility in conversation has led to my growing respect for the person she is at the core, not her resume.
What a model.
You don't have to reach the top rung on the ladder to display humility that leads to respect. It starts with just accepting yourself - exploring your beliefs and staying true to them - it starts with transparency.
Think about it. Think on all the circles of conversation you've been in - who did you enjoy most? The boaster or the party goer who just lived in the moment?
Unfortunately, I have been both. I hate that. I wish I could say that I have always been comfortable in my own skin, but I haven't. Mainly from wounding, lack of validation, I have been the chic in the circle begging for scraps of encouragement after reciting my accomplishments - ouch! The worst part of that is when you hit the pillow at night and you are reflecting the evening and all that stands out is your own insecurity. Bummer, embarrassment - especially when you know better.
How do I combat this? Hearing truth. Hearing what is noble and truthful, which is, simply - man's greatest asset is HUMILITY.
I have the privilege of having a walking buddy that has reached many of the world's pedestals, and do you know what she encourages in my life? My motherhood. Her professional experience and resume could compete with any woman in the metroplex, and she knows my ambitious side to create movements and succeed in nonprofit business - yet, in her age and wisdom - humbly, she promotes "motherhood."
Her humility in conversation has led to my growing respect for the person she is at the core, not her resume.
What a model.
You don't have to reach the top rung on the ladder to display humility that leads to respect. It starts with just accepting yourself - exploring your beliefs and staying true to them - it starts with transparency.
Think about it. Think on all the circles of conversation you've been in - who did you enjoy most? The boaster or the party goer who just lived in the moment?
Unfortunately, I have been both. I hate that. I wish I could say that I have always been comfortable in my own skin, but I haven't. Mainly from wounding, lack of validation, I have been the chic in the circle begging for scraps of encouragement after reciting my accomplishments - ouch! The worst part of that is when you hit the pillow at night and you are reflecting the evening and all that stands out is your own insecurity. Bummer, embarrassment - especially when you know better.
How do I combat this? Hearing truth. Hearing what is noble and truthful, which is, simply - man's greatest asset is HUMILITY.
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