Yesterday I was watching Eden, my seven year old, dance around the house singing words that didn't make sense to a melody that was being created as she danced. Such joy, a nonsense kind of jubilation...
Of course, being the philosopher by nature that I am, I pondered where my joy of living had gone. I looked over my Outlook Calendar to see where I had scheduled joy and craziness, but couldn't find it. I did see a small two hour block labeled "Activity with Eden" on Friday, but felt that I had tried to incorporate chores which was a huge mistake.
During this block, she was prancing and I was grudgingly attempting to brush off a ring around the toilet bowl upstairs...then it hit me...literally..toilet water flipped up out of the bowl into my eye and mascara came streaming after...major burn...complete disgust. I would like to tell you that I handled this like an adult, but I would be lying. I screamed in horror spinning the contaminated brush all over the tile and reaching for towels to spread the filth all the more. Yes, I over-reacted in a major way.
Then I realized that I have been robbed. Just a decade ago I would have fell to the floor hysterically over such an event, but now, wearing my "mom" hat I have chosen to believe that laughter is irresponsible. What a tragic loss!
So as I tried to implement my new philosophy of child-like humor, I was tested immediately.
Eden made her first salad while I was upstairs, which simply means, our kitchen was slimmed with tomato seeds as she cut each cherry tomato with a butter knife.
Eden had dinner for 34 Webkinz (stuffed animals) in the playroom, which translates as popcorn and fruit snacks placed ever so not so neatly on a long table with bowls of water.
Eden decided to have a fashion show for herself and changed at least ten times creating a lovely pile of clothes in the middle of her floor.
Oh, and my personal favorite, Eden decided it would be a great time if she could pretend I was housekeeping.
My old self would have yelled at the top of my lungs, "I am housekeeping!!!"
The new me...laughed hysterically, made up my own lyrics and danced half-naked until daddy came home!!!!!
Oh, childish joy, you have returned to me.